Optimising Hip Series This series consist of 9 Modules of approx 30-40 minutes each, ideally paced as a practical tutorial for physiotherapists. There are also a number of resources and handouts that can be downloaded which are a valuable resource for you and your patients.
Buy individually or all Modules –> Hip Online Order Form
Hip Module overview
Module 1 Dysfunction Specific Exercise Therapy to Optimise Hip Function (Video 29:43)
(Free Preview)
Module 2 Dysfunctional patterns of Abdominals and adductors. (Video 28:15)
Deep Hip stability activation progressions
Module 3 Five stage retraining of deep stabilisers of the Hip: Iliacus, quad fem, glut med (Video 30:05)
Exercises to decrease Hip muscle spasm
Module 4b Part A – Anti gravity exercises (Video 25:51)
Module 4a Part B – Functional, exercises, stretches & gluteal tendinosis (Video 24:25)
Muscle specific graded exercise progressions
Module 5 Gluteal tendinopathies for optimal hip function Video 37:29
Module 6 Optimise gluteal function for performance Video 0:
Module 7 Adductor (+/-tendinopathy) and VMO Video 37:38
Module 8 Hamstring (+/-tendinopathy) and VMO Video 33:06