Bounce Back Classes
Bounce Back Classes
Bounce Back Classes
Bounce Back Classes
Bounce Back Classes


Bounce back 4 kids

BOUNCE back 4 Kids is a unique Occupational Therapy (OT) and Physiotherapy based program for children aged between 5-12 years. It is a fun, play based group program run by specially trained and qualified healthcare professionals to build fine motor and gross motor strength, stability, planning, coordination and skills in children.



How it works


BOUNCE back 4 Kids (BB4kids) is a research based, innovative children’s exercise class programme designed to improve the fine motor skills in children in the 5-12 year age bracket. BB4kids uses an objective assessment of motor control before and after the program called the BOT2 (brief). The BOT2 (brief) yields a single score or overall motor proficiency, whilst containing enough detail to provide an overview of motor strengths and weaknesses.

An extension of the highly successful BOUNCE back Spinal Strength and Stability exercise programme; BOUNCE back 4 kids is run in small groups (maximum of 4) using play based classes to develop fine and gross motor skills, balance, awareness, posture, core strength and motor planning. BB4kids is a ten week (after school program of one hour weekly sessions) where parents are included in the process and classes.

BOUNCE back 4 kids reinforces skills delivered by teachers and special needs educators and compliments Occupational, Physiotherapy or Psychological intervention programmes. The programme also develops and moulds social skills including verbal comprehension, the ability to follow instructions, a sense of fair play, sharing, taking turns and participating as part of a team.


What’s Included

Purchasing a BOUNCE back 4 Kids agency provides not only a structured and research backed programme for your patients, it also gives your practice a business development opportunity with a real point of difference, establishing you as an expert in the field of child fine and gross motor skills development.

The purchase of your BB4Kids agency includes:

·      One day intensive training for an appropriately qualified therapist to offer the programme

·      BOT 2 brief standardised assessment kit including report template

·      Suitcase of equipment including ALL the equipment you need to run your own group (group up to 4 children)

·      Pre printed instructor and participants handouts/exercises

·      Assessment report templates for pre and post reports

·      Access to marketing support including brochures, website and poster/board/parent questionnaires and satisfaction questionnaires

·      Access to ongoing support by therapists if required

·      Priority to new program updates and advanced programs and more.


Helping Children

Do you think your child is clumsy or uncoordinated? Many parents think incorrectly that nothing can be done about this. Often basic issues of ‘clumsiness’ or even the inability to perform basic children tasks like throwing a ball or jumping, are the result of a lack of awareness on how to manage their fine and gross motor skills. The BOUNCE Back 4 kids programme works week by week to build effective and sustainable motor control helping children to develop their skills, have lots of wins, feel successful (often for the first time), and really achieve growth, confidence and development.


Exercise Examples

Below are just a few of the processes and example exercises used throughout the BB4Kids process. These fun and play based exercises are progression based and dependant on the skills and capabilities of the child. No matter what the starting point, the exercises are designed for successful outcomes and encouragement,

·      Building key areas of fine motor development: Finger and wrist position strength games, pincer grip development

·      Progressed to functional fine motor skills: In hand manipulation games and optimal pencil grip development

·      Building complexity of fine motor skills with precision and endurance: Finger and wrist extension strengthening games, hand intrinsic strengthening

·      Building upper body control to support fine motor development: Shoulder and upper body control games and eye/hand precision activities

·      Balance activities in standing, sitting and one-legged tasks: Progressed with changes in base of support, speed or strength, time constraints, noise distraction and visual challenges.

For other exercises or to learn how you can implement the BB4Kids programme at your practice, complete an expression of interest form today or contact us to learn more.


Eligible Children

The BOUNCE Back 4 Kids programme has proven highly effective with all children in the ages of 5 to 12 years of age in improving their fine and gross motor skills. This means that irrespective of any child’s initial capabilities, having a child attend a BOUNCE Back 4 Kids programme will improve their abilities.

Some of the children that benefit greatly from BB4Kids include:

·      Children with delayed fine and gross motor development.

·      Children who experience problems with writing and hand/eye co-ordination issues.

·      Children with low muscle tone, postural issues, or who experience general aches and pains.

·      Children with hypermobile and/or joint laxity in the hands, legs, or generally

·      Children with poor balance, co-ordination and motor planning (sometimes referred to as clumsy or uncoordinated).

·      Children who struggle to join in with recess and school sporting activities due to lack of confidence or lack of sporting/coordination ability.

·      Diagnosis of ADHD, Autism, Aspergers, Depression, Anxiety, Dyspraxia/Physical disability.

·      Public Referrals from concerned parents, teachers and family members wanting to optimise any primary school child’s fine and gross motor skills.

·      Allied Health and Medical referrals from: GP’s; Paediatric specialists; Physios; OT’s; Speech therapist; Psychologists; Sports instructors/Coaches; School environment where possible.

If you have children in any of these categories, or you’d like to give your child patients the optimum chance of physical and emotional development, then contact us today to discuss how the BB4Kids programme can be slotted into your practice to significantly improve your offering and make a real difference to the children in your local area.



Bounce Back Classes