Bounce Back Classes
Bounce Back Classes
Bounce Back Classes
Bounce Back Classes
Bounce Back Classes

Privacy Policy

Any information you provide to Bounce back Classes Pty Ltd is treated with the utmost respect for privacy. Any information you provide will not be distributed or provided to any other party without your prior permission. Bounce back Classes Pty Ltd  does not participate in spamming, and will not distribute non-public customer information to any third parties. Bounce back Classes Pty Ltd  may occasionally use the information you provide to keep you informed of any new products or services or upcoming special offers that are available. You have the right of access to any personal information held about you and to ask us to correct it if it is inaccurate or out of date or to have it removed from our database. Bounce back Classes Pty Ltd  will provide mechanisms for you to communicate your privacy concerns to us and will respond to them thoughtfully.

Bounce Back Classes